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What's behind the the great show?

Good morning beautiful people and happy Sunday! It's a beautiful morning here in Western Kansas and my heart is sooo full today. We had our first show for our spring recital last night and guys, it was perfect. Literally blew me away! 

Do you ever those moments in life? Moments where your heart is so full it's sure to burst. My bursts usually end in tears which is exactly how I spent my evening. As I sat on the couch and reflected on the evening, I was a sobbing mess! My heart was sooooo full I couldn't take it anymore. Good thing Taylor was asleep, ha! He can't handle my emotions sometimes. 

I wanted to take the time to talk about how we get to those high moments in life. What's behind the great show? Let me tell ya, it's not all sunshine and rainbows. I'm sure you can all relate to this in your own lives. Between each high peak are low valleys. So what's laying in those valleys? What's really going on behind a great show? 

Frustration. Anger. Sadness. Bruises. Blood. Sweat. Tears. Irritations. Mean words. Tired bodies. The glamour of what you see on stage isn't even close to what went on to get it there. But the truth is, you can't get to the highest highs without the lowest lows. In those valleys, through the frustrations, after the anger, bandaged cuts, this is where that growth takes place. This is where we start to really connect with one another. 

Maybe your the couple whose never fought, the perfect family with no squalls, the team with the perfect rehearsals and I commend you for that! But I find it extremely hard to believe that no frustrations took place at any moment. This is where we can get extremely close to one another and see each other for who we really are. It's how the most successful teams are formed! 

I'm so incredibly proud of all the dancers and how they have pushed through these low valleys. They have been down but have picked each other up and put on one heck of a show last night. We can't wait for today! Hope to see you all out at 3:00 for what I'm sure will be another great show! Doors open at 2:30! 

Have an amazing day! Much love! 


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