Do what you said you would do.
We all make promises. Simple, difficult and all those alike. Promises are easily made and I think more easily broken. I am thinking today...

Slow to Speak
It’s with a bit of a heavy heart that I write today. I write because I am so so so saddened by the events that have taken place in...

Contrary To My Facebook Page
Contrary to what I put on my Facebook page, I don't always have it together. I don't always look beautiful, I don't always have a smile...

Teamwork Makes the Dream Work
Happy Friday Eve! I know that Monday's were supposed to be my blog day but I like to write when I feel compelled by a certain topic and...

Live A Little
Happy Friday eve! So many things to look forward to this weekend with our First Annual Mother Daughter Brunch, I am beyond ready to get...

Grab a shovel, we're diggin'.
Deepness, wisdom, understanding, intelligence... all words that have similar meaning to depth. As a person who is constantly trying to...

But does it matter?
Good morning Goodland, KS! What a fabulous day it is! It's a tad chilly but hey, at least the wind isn't blowing 100 MPH! I have had to...

What are you wasting your Red Bull on?
Energy... The word that sums up pretty much all of me right now. There are so many things that go into starting a new business that my...

Be mysterious.
Hey all, Very eventful weekend for me here in the big city of Goodland! :P I watched two very good friends say their vows in front of...

Shine Anyway
I hope everyone is enjoying their Thursday morning. How lucky are we to wake up with the sun shining through our bedroom windows? Knowing...